Werte bootfest in einem Shelly für andere Shellys speichern ?
Ja, das geht mit der kombi kvs, endpoint.
View ArticleExecute script on remote device with parameters
Hi,Does anyone have an idea to activate a script on another device, but with arguments, so that you can use the same script but for different channels???
View Article3 1PM units state sets another 1PM unit on or Off
I need help in creating a script which will do the followingI have 4 shelly 1PM units called A, B , C , D.If B, C or D, Turn On turn A on.If any one of B,C or D turn off and one of B,C,D are on dont...
View ArticleInternet vorhanden?
Hier einmal ein Beispiel das gut dazu passt:shelly-support.eu/forum/thread/?postID=255035#post255035Am einfachsten kann man den online Status über den Cloud Status ermitteln...
View ArticleZeit „Automatisch ausschalten“ per Skript verändern
Hallo Christoph,du suchst also nur nach einer Möglichkeit den Shelly Timer zu überschreiben, das geht indem du einfach einen neuen Shelly Timer vergibst oder falls du den Shelly Timer löschen möchtest...
View ArticleMQTT to email, or MQTT to Notification (iOS - iPhone)
Please ignore, I used the APP to create a scene and then condition to send me a notification. Happy to help if anyone needs to know how to do this.
View ArticleIR Fernbedienungen einlesen inkl Script
Zitat von De kat @L4sX7 Wilkommen im Forum,Zunächst würde mich interessieren, wie genau der Empfang und die Auswertung der IR-Signale erfolgt?MQTT Daten kann man einfach mit MQTT.publish()...
View ArticleJoining Webhook
If you are talking about creating webhooks on other devices through an rpc http channel, yeah you could do that, but its not working the way it should work, for example a gen 1 shely need a different...
View ArticleInkbird Bluetooth BLE Temperatur Sensor receive Values
I'll try to explain the issue more precisely.1. A Shelly can only operate one BLE.Scanner per time, when the BT Gateway option is enabled, a background BLE.Scanner is started, performing passive...
View ArticleBekomme keinen WiFi Kontakt mit Shelly
Hi Leute,ich habe mir eine Shelly EM mit 120 A Wandler gekauft um den Stromverbrauch unseres Einfamilienhauses auf den Philippinen zu Messen und zu kontrollieren.Habe Shelly installiert wie...
View ArticleShelly Pro1PM The device does not respond to the script.
Hello everyone.I'm seeking help with configuring my Shelly Pro 1PM.I need it to count 1 kWh upon activation and then have the device turn off until the next activation.The problem is that the device...
View ArticleHow to call HTTP.GET and authenticate?
I have been trying to modify the script which sync the wall dimmer switches for when authentication is turned on.I couldn't figure anything out reading the docs, actually i found on some forums that...
View ArticleGelöst: Daten aus Webhook.List suchen
Hab's nun wie folgt gelöst. Ggf. geht es auch besser. Wenn der Status des Webhook 'Test_Input' sich ändert, wird dieser angezeigt. Code let CONFIG = { HooksName: "Test_Input" };...
View ArticleHelp with shelly script for push notifications on garage doors - based on...
Hi and welcome to the forum.you can use "callmebot.com" for this purpose. Link: https://www.callmebot.com/Here is an example for the use: Nachricht an Whatsapp oder Signal
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